
Yolanda Miller
Apr 15, 20245 min read
The Woman At The Well Is Me
Every morning of my silent retreat, I would meet for an hour with a spiritual director and she would offer some Scriptures for me to read an

Yolanda Miller
Nov 17, 20233 min read
What To Do With 192 Hours (Give or Take) of Silence aka What Is a Silent Retreat Like?
As a self-professed, recovering people addict and extreme extrovert, if you had told me I would ever register for a silent retreat for any

Yolanda Miller
Oct 28, 20232 min read
Water, Water, Everywhere (But Here)
Pastor Steve Yamaguchi once shared a story about a fly fishing trip he experienced. He spent all day in his chest-high waders, rhythmically

Yolanda Miller
Aug 7, 20222 min read
Spiritual EMDR?
I led a group this week where we were talking about the practices of gratitude and lament. As we listened to Psalm 22 being read, we noticed

Yolanda Miller
May 24, 20223 min read
Don’t Pooh-Pooh My Spiritual Discipline of (English) Haiku
I stumbled upon a new spiritual discipline this week. I was at a museum garden party that had rented a poet. Yes, you read that right.

Yolanda Miller
May 22, 20226 min read
There's a Pandemic in the Church and It's Not Covid
There is a soul sickness in the Church that stems from substituting knowledge about God for intimacy with God. It has led us to a new form

Yolanda Miller
May 9, 20224 min read
Learning to Listen: Examen Prayer
As I mentioned previously, the Examen Prayer (or as St. Ignatius called it, the Examination of Conscience) is one of two key spiritual

Yolanda Miller
Dec 16, 20215 min read
Learning to Listen: Lectio Divina
I have never been a disciplined person; I thrive on spontaneity and surprises. This means, as a lifelong church attender and Christian, I

Yolanda Miller
Jan 30, 20214 min read
Hatching a Pandemic Plan
The idea of incubation has been…well, incubating, in my mind. It seems to me that we are in an incubation period of sorts. First,

Yolanda Miller
Apr 30, 20203 min read
Learning to Listen: The Basics, Part II
I grew up in a highly conservative faith tradition, where the church history I learned stretched all the way back to…gasp!…Lottie Moon

Yolanda Miller
Apr 24, 20203 min read
Learning To Listen: The Basics
At the heart of what I want to do is to help us learn two things: who God is and who we are. This means we will need to learn how to see and

Yolanda Miller
Mar 31, 20203 min read
Better or Bitter?
There was a Holocaust survivor and psychiatrist named Viktor Frankl who wrote a book called Man’s Search for Meaning. In it, he shared...